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Losing market share is no way to grow your business!

Good Morning, Consider this... Over the last few years we have had many brokers contact us as a direct result of their clients requesting finance because they are buying investment property from a marketer or general real estate agent. The reality is you are losing market share! Some of the stock we have seen has been less than a good investment with product being pushed down their throat. You need to let your clients know you have access to niche off market investment property handpicked to meet there profile and requirements of your client. There is no point in settling for the crumbs on the table, many of our brokers are earning $7000 - $20,000 per month because they offer a unique service. The marketers and general real estate agents are expert closers and get the job done they know the value of their service and client retention, if your not servicing your clients they will and you lose clients and income so make sure you add this unique service to your business today.

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